Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Gap

It's been a long time since posting! I made the Enchilada Verde dish last night and didn't think to type it up, but in a weird coincidence a Facebook plea went out on the same evening I made them for a vegan enchilada recipe. So I made the effort!

Mike and I have moved and we are currently struggling with our yard. The minute we weed it seems like that clears the way for more weeds. It's been a bit of a vicious cycle that is actually making us hate the yard. I'm determined to reclaim it though, and a friend reminds me that any new garden you inherit will require three years worth of work and planning to get it the way you want. Patience, grasshopper! I did manage to clear out one bed for veggies. I planted four tomato plants: two Roma, one beefsteak, and one purple heirloom. I also planted two jalapneos, four basil plants (two green and two purple), some Walla Walla onions, and some carrots. Everything is really taking off. The tomato plants are huge and I am really excited about seeing everything thrive and do well. I used a jalapeno and some onions just last night in the enchiladas and it was really such a thrill.

I hope to throw more recipes up with more frequency. Our lives have been so busy lately - hosted a Canada Day/ Fourth of July cookout, camping/working/enjoying the Oregon Country Fair, a wonderful trip to Toronto and Warkworth Canada, much loved friends visiting from Massachusetts, friends' wedding reception coming up, a big shindig out in Washington planned, relatives visiting soon, and me heading out to Boston very soon with plans to road trip my dog, Emma, back to Portland with me. We thought that by the end of August things might slow down to normal, but I don't actually hold out hope. We have been cooking quite a bit in the midst of it all. Some dear friends loaned us a grill - the summer will be gone by the time we decide on which one to get - and we have been cooking veggies and fish on cedar planks and rolled in cedar "paper" which has been tasty and fun. I never think to throw the simple recipes up - after all the idea is not to insult the cooks out there! I think the enchilada recipe was a bit simplistic, but I hope people enjoy it nonetheless.

Happy summer everyone!

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